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Some of our projects

Web design and development is our passion. We believe if you do it, then you should do it right and well thought out. Whether the goal is to design a brand visual identity, simplify web user experience or create an A to Z solution for a starting business – we like clean and high design, engaging and user-friendly experiences.

Overstep Game

Overstep is an Estonian-origin computer game that has won various world-class awards. We developed a distinctive website for the game to invite people to participate and experience it.
  • Digital

  • Optimization

  • Website

Overstep Game

Overstep on Eesti algetega arvutimäng, mis on võitnud erinevaid maailmatasemel auhindu. Arendasime mängule iseloomuliku kodulehe, millega kutsuda inimesi sellest osa saama.
  • Digital

  • Website

  • Optimization


Visual identity for Alot’s online store. The concept included logo design and its usage, selection of typography and colors, as well as samples of business cards.
  • Graphic design

  • Visual identity (CVI)


Visuaalne identiteet Alot veebikaubamajale. Konseptsiooni kuulus logo kujundus ja selle kasutus, kirjatüübi ja värvide valik ning visiitkaardi näidised.
  • Graphic design

  • Visual identity (CVI)

Black and Brownie

A new website for a dance studio operating in Pärnu. The goal of the website is to provide information about the dance studio quickly and conveniently, as well as offer details about the classes.
  • Digital

  • Optimization

  • Website

Black and Brownie

Uus koduleht Pärnus tegutsevale tantsustuudiole. Kodulehe eesmärgiks on edastada kiirelt ja mugavalt informatsiooni tantsustuudio kohta ning pakkuda teavet trennide kohta.
  • Digital

  • Website

  • Optimization